Bear the author’s name and a title on the rear of the mount.
ALL DIGITAL IMAGES entered for Club Competitions must:
Be in JPEG format and use the sRGB colour space.
Be resized to fit a display 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high.
Have the author name set in the Authors field and a title in the Title field.
It is asked that Club Members do not repeatedly offer the same prints or images in Club Competitions.
PROMOTION OR DEMOTION from class to class will be decided by the Committee in consultation with the Member concerned, using the number of points gained in the season as a guide.
IN THE EVENT OF A TIE in any competition where points are awarded, the Member receiving the most 10s will be deemed the winner. If a tie still exists then the Member receiving the
most 9½s will be deemed the winner et cetera.
There is one print class.
A maximum of three prints may be entered by each Member. Prints can be either monochrome or colour, trade or self printed and on any subject.
Each print will be awarded up to a maximum of 10 points by the judge. At the end of the season, the top 6 marks in all competitions will be added together.
The Member who accumulates the most points (subject to Rule 1.5) in their class will be awarded the trophy of that class, which is to be held for one year.
There will be two classes:
Each Member may enter up to three images in each competition on any subject.
Each image will be awarded up to a maximum of 10 points by the judge, these being accumulated towards the class trophy for the season. Only the highest two marks per person from each
competition will go forward for this purpose.
The Member who accumulates the most points in their class (subject to Rule 1.5)
will be awarded the trophy of that class, which is to be held for one year.
Images should be delivered prior to the competition, preferably by email before each competition, but not on the night to as shown in the Syllabus, unless agreed otherwise.
THE FRED OVEREND MEMORIAL TROPHY is awarded to the member with the highest number of 10s in the Open Print and Open Digital Image Competitions but who did not win an award in
those competitions. This member can be from either Intermediate or Advanced classes. This trophy is held for one year.
This is a digital image competition and there will be one class only.
Images must have been taken on the current season’s Club Outing.
The Committee will decide annually how many panels may be entered.
One image from each panel should be a view of a garden (not necessarily the whole garden but a view which represents the garden). The remaining images must include one or more
flowers, shrubs or trees growing in a garden.
The judge to be the previous winner of the Garden Trophy.
Each panel to be judged in turn.
The trophy will be awarded to the member judged to have the best panel of three images.
There will be one class only.
Each member may enter a number of digital images of any subject.
The Committee will decide annually how many images may be entered.
All images will be randomly paired with another and the members will vote.
The image with the least votes will be eliminated from the competition.
Once all images have been seen once they will be randomly paired again and voted upon.
This continues until there is one image left which will be awarded the TYLER TROPHY (to be held for one year).
There will be one class only.
Each member may enter a number of digital images of any subject.
The Committee will decide annually how many images may be entered.
Images must be monochrome; i.e. an image that contains shades of only one colour plus white. Normally this would be black to create a black-and-white image but other single tones are
allowed e.g. sepia.
THE FOUNDERS TROPHY shall be awarded to the member judged to have the best single image (trophy to be held for one year).
There will be one class only.
Each panel consists of nine digital images: Eight representing the set clues and one for the rover (unless otherwise agreed).